Talenquest - webquest

Moving Abroad


After the presentation you will get another week to finish the questionnaire (download here) and hand everything in. Your grade will be based on the following criteria:

Lake Tekapo - New Sealand

Afbeelding van Holger Detje via Pixabay


1 point


2 points


2,5 points


Some did more than others. It was not really a team effort.

Everybody did their part. Everybody did the same amount of work.

Everybody did their part. Nobody was left behind. Everybody did the same amount of work. Help was offered when needed.


ICT was (not) used. Presentation was poorly constructed.

ICT was used. Presentation was good enough.

ICT was used. Presentation was great to look at. Students went out of their way to make it beautiful.


Not all of the information was in the presentation. A lot of questions needed to be answered. It was not clear enough.

All of the information was in the presentation. Some questions needed to be answered. It was clear enough.

All the information was in the presentation and it was very clear. Nothing was missing and no further questions needed to be answered.


English used was not clear.

English used was not perfect, but clear enough.

English used was perfect. Everything was clear.