Talenquest - webquest

Moving Abroad


Whenever you are going to move, it is going to cost you a lot of time and a lot of effort to get everything in order. When moving out of the country, this is even more so. You will not only need to find a new job or house, you usually have one of the two before deciding to move, but you will need a lot of other things as well!It is for you as a group to find out what it is you will need to arrange to be able to move to an English speaking country. At the end of your search you will need to present to me what you have found, so that I will know everything I need to be able to move.

You will work in groups of 3 or 4 and you will present the information together. You may present via Prezi or PowerPoint. Your presentation may last a maximum of 15 minutes.

After the presentation you will get a questionnaire which you will need to fill in individually and where you tell me about the work you did together. You will grade each other. When you have filled in the questionnaire you will hand everything in together and I will give you your final grade.

Direction sign

Afbeelding van Jan Alexander via Pixabay