Talenquest - webquest
Moving Abroad
When you have formed a group, you start by dividing the tasks. You will need to do at least the following things:
Search for information about moving to your chosen country
Search for information about jobs in your chosen country
Search for information about housing in your chosen country
Make a presentation
When you have divided the tasks you can get to work.
Sydney - Australia
Afbeelding van Simon via PixabayWhen you have divided the tasks you can get to work.
The person making the presentation can get started right away if he wants, by making the lay-out. At the end of the search however, that person will need most of the time, so make sure everybody who’s searching for information gives that person enough time before the presentation.
Make sure when you choose a house that fits the job you choose. If, for instance, you choose to look for a job as a lawyer, you will look for a house that fits that salary. When you look for a job as a truck driver, you will look for a house that fits that salary.
You may choose to gather all the information for 1 person, but you may also choose to gather the information for more people. Whatever you choose, make sure you gather all the information you can find to make the switch to your chosen country. For instance, diplomas sometimes need to be changed to be able to work in another country. A drivers license might also need to be changed to be able to drive in another country. Any child, dog or car has got their own needs and their own way of transportation. Make sure you work all of this information into the presentation if needed.